Angela Johnson

Angela Johnson's Fundraiser

In Lieu of Neighbor Gifts  image

In Lieu of Neighbor Gifts

Give the Gift of Life!


$385 towards $2,500

Please share with neighbors

The demand for Bountiful Children's services has far exceeded their expectations. To try and help them raise funds for malnourished children in need of help, we decided to get neighbors involved. In lieu of giving neighbor gifts, give the gift of life. Help us raise $2500 to help 25 children in Ghana for a year. Donations are being matched so every dollar helps!

Come celebrate with us Monday, December 18 from 6:30-8pm, at 9676 N. Winchester Drive Cedar Hills, Utah. There will be hot cocoa, santa, hayrack rides, and goodie bags.

For Venmo, use @Bountiful-Children. Include your email.

Thank you in advance!